
1986:  Year One! Get Flat 1987 Get Flat 1988 Get Flat 1989 1990 1991
Need to track down pictures from 1992.  Here's Skip sporting our '92 "Bay Watch" Tank Top Jersey 1993 - need help tracking down more pictures, including a team photo 1994 "Fear of a Flat Planet!" The Long Lost But Found 1995 Team Picture - Thanks RB!!! 1996 1997: Fear of a Flat Planet
1998: Flat in Black 1999 (worst shirts, and matching shorts, ever.) 2000:  Classic 2001:  Knotty 2002:  Dark side of the Moon 2003: Matrix
2004:  Two Turntables and a Microphone 2005: Badfish 2006 Airborne! 2007:  Transformers! 2008 Summer of the Shark 2009: District 7
2010-Day 1: Endless Summer 2010 Day 2 2011: Enless Summer part II GET FLAT 2012:  Full Subs 2013: Return of the Full Subs 2014:  Still with the Full Subs
2015:  NASA Star Man 2015 2015 2016:  Grill Masters!!! 2016: ...and Guinness 2016
2017: Grill Master - The Two Towers 2017:  ...and Guinness again 2017 2018: Wet 2018: very wet